Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
  • Admin
  • 21-May-2024

1. Calorie Restriction: IF can assist in cutting calories, which helps people lose weight.

Enhanced Metabolic Rate: Fasting for a brief period of time can raise metabolism by 3.6–14%, which helps burn fat.

Hormonal Changes: IF can decrease insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity, which increases the body's ability to access stored fat.


2. Improved Metabolic Health

Improved Insulin Sensitivity (IF) lowers blood sugar and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Lipid Profile: IF may lower triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol, among other cholesterol-related markers.


3. Enhanced Brain Function

Benefits for Neuroprotection: IF may stimulate the synthesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein associated with enhanced cognition and the development of new neurons.

Decreased Inflammation: IF reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, two things that are connected to ageing and a number of chronic illnesses.


4. Heart Conditions

IF has the potential to lower blood pressure.

Decreased Inflammation: The general health of the cardiovascular system is influenced by lower inflammation markers.


5. Durability

Cellular autophagy: IF starts the process of cells eliminating damaged parts from their bodies through autophagy, which can delay the ageing process.

Longevity: Research on animals indicates that IF may increase durability; nevertheless, further studies on humans are required.


6. Preventing Cancer

Cellular Repair: Autophagy aids in the elimination of unhealthy cells, which may reduce the risk of cancer.

less Insulin Levels: Some malignancies may be less likely to occur in people with lower insulin levels and less insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).


7. Enhanced Focus and Mental Clarity

Enhanced Focus: IF raises norepinephrine levels, which improve alertness and cognitive function.

Consistent Energy: Throughout the day, having stable blood sugar levels helps to sustain a constant level of energy and focus.


8. Health of the Digestive System

Digestive Rest: Taking a vacation from the digestive system can help with indigestion and bloating, as well as enhance gut health.

bacteria Balance: The gut microbiota needs to be in balance for general health, and IF can assist with this.


call for diet


Different Forms of Periodic Fasting

16/8 Method: 16 hours of fasting followed by an 8-hour interval for eating.

The 5:2 diet: entails five days of regular eating followed by two non-consecutive days of 500–600 calories per day.

Eat-Stop-Eat: Skipping meals once or twice a week for a full day.

Alternate-Day Fasting: Switching off days when you fast and don't fast.


Making into consideration

Individual Variation: Depending on a person's lifestyle, adherence, and medical circumstances, the efficacy and benefits may differ.

Medical Supervision: It is recommended that those with medical issues or those taking medication speak with a healthcare provider (Dt. Ashu  Gupta)  before to beginning IF.


In summary

There are many potential advantages of intermittent fasting for longevity, metabolic health, brain function, and weight control. But it's crucial to approach it sensibly and intelligently, taking into account each person's unique lifestyle preferences and health requirements.