Fruits for Weightloss - Monsoon Season

Fruits for Weightloss in Monsoon Season

Fruits for Weightloss in Monsoon Season
  • Admin
  • 13-Jul-2024

Fruits for Weightloss in Monsoon Season

As a dietitian in Gurgaon, I frequently emphasize the necessity of adding fruits into a healthy diet, particularly for those trying to lose weight. 

Fruits are not only low in calories, but they also include critical nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that promote general health and aid in weight management. Here's a list of fruits that can help you lose weight, as well as some tailored suggestions from me, Dietician Ashu Gupta.

Seasonal fruits for the current season (monsoon)

Jamun (Indian BlackBerry)

Benefits: Jamun is low in calories yet high in vitamins and antioxidants. It improves digestion and increases metabolism.
Tips: Eat jamun as a refreshing snack or add it to salads for a tart flavor.



Benefits: Litchis are hydrated and low in calories, making them an ideal snack for weight loss. They are also high in vitamins C.
Tips: Eat fresh litchis as a mid-morning snack or mix them into fruit salads.



Benefits: Plums are high in fiber yet low in calories. They improve digestion and reduce hunger.
Tips: Snack on fresh plums or mix them into your yogurt or porridge.



Benefits: Peaches are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. They help you stay full and assist digestion.
Tips: For a sweet flavor, mix sliced peaches into cereal, smoothies, or salads.



Benefits: Papaya is low in calories yet high in fiber and antioxidants. It improves digestion and relieves bloating.
Tips: Eat papaya as a snack or add it to fruit salads.


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Personalized Advice from Dietician Ashu Gupta for Weight Loss

Portion Control: While fruits are nutritious, it is critical to practice portion control to avoid consuming too many calories. Stick to the suggested serving sizes.

Variety is key: Include a variety of fruits in your diet to ensure you obtain a diverse range of nutrients. Fruits provide diverse benefits, so mix and match.

Timing is Important: Eat fruits as snacks between meals to avoid overeating during big meals. This can help regulate hunger and lower overall calorie intake. Fruits can be used with a protein source, such as nuts, seeds, or yogurt, to help balance blood sugar levels and keep you fuller for longer.


Stay Hydrated: Fruits high in water content, such as watermelon and oranges, can help you stay hydrated. Maintaining hydration is essential for weight loss and overall health.

Avoid Added Sugars: Choose whole fruits over fruit juices or dried fruits with added sugars. Whole fruits have more fiber and less calories.


Mindful Eating: Mindful Eating: Listen to your hunger and fullness signs. Enjoy your fruit snacks gently and relish their tastes.

By including these fruits and suggestions into your diet, you can achieve your weight loss objectives while also enjoying delicious and nutritious snacks. Remember that a well-balanced diet and frequent physical activity are essential for long-term weight loss and good health.



Consult Dt. Ashu Gupta for weight loss. For an appointment, you can contact us via callWhatsApp and through the website.