Pumpkin Soup


1 cups red pumpkin (bhopla/ kaddu) cubes
1tsp low fat butter
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
Salt and to taste
1tsp dried oregano


1) To make the pumpkin soup, heat the butter in a deep non- stick pan, add the onions and saute on a medium flame for 1 minute.

2) Add the pumpkin and cook on a medium flame for 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally.

3) Add 250ml of hot water, salt and pepper and mix well.

4) Cover with a lid and cook on a medium flame for 10 minutes, while stirring occasionally.

5) Remove from the flame and keep aside to cool completely.

6) Once cooled, blend in a mixer till smooth.

7) Transfer the mixture back into the same deep non- stick pan, add the oregano and mix well.

8) Cook the pumpkin soup on a medium flame for 1 minute or till it comes to boil, while stirring continuously.

9) Serve the pumpkin soup immediately.






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