Keto Tawa Paneer

Keto Tawa Paneer Recipe


  • 60gms Paneer

  • Pinch of Red Chilli Powder

  • 15gms Melted Butter/ Ghee

  • 1tsp ginger garlic paste pinch of salt

  • Pinch of coriander powder

  • Pinch of turmeric

  • Pinch of cumin powder

  • 1tbsp peanut butter for garnish



  1. Mix the ginger-garlic paste, salt, chili powder, turmeric, coriander & cumin powder, and half the melted butter/ ghee together

  2. Chop paneer into bite-size and mix with the paste.

  3. Heat the remaining ghee/butter/ oil in the pan.

  4. Fry the paneer for 1-2 minutes on each side till nice and golden brown.

  5. Garnish with fresh coriander, peanut butter, and lemon, and serve.



  • Fat = 75%

  • Protein= 15%

  • Carbs= 10%


Calorie= 300kcal


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